TECNO Camon CX Air MT6737 DA File [Download-Agent]


TECNO Camon CX Air MTK MT6737 secure boot DA (Download-Agent) file, This file allows you to bypass the secure boot of the TECNO CX Air device and then you can flash your phone, Unlock Network or remove FRP lock.

What is the DA (Download-Agent) file)?

The abbreviation of the MTK DA file is Download-Agent file and the extension is ".bin", MTK DA file is used in (GSM official and third-party) programs to bypass the secure boot of MediaTek devices, Below are the names of some of the programs that use DA files:
How to load a custom DA (Download-Agent) file in SP Flash Tool?
  1. Run the SP Flash Tool program.
  2. Click on the choose button in the Download-Agent section and navigate to the location of the custom DA file, Select the DA file and then click on the Open button.
  3. The custom DA file is now loaded in SP Flash Tool (You can see the directory of custom DA file in the address bar)
  4. The custom DA file is now loaded in SP Flash Tool.
How to load a custom DA (Download-Agent) file in Miracle Box?
  1. Run the Miracle Box program (Supported version 2.75 or above).
  2. Choose the MTK CPU and click on the custom setting tab.
  3. Check the "DA File" box and click on the DA File button.
  4. Go to the directory of the custom DA file, Select the file and then click on the Open button.
  5. The custom DA file has been loaded into the Miracle Box program (You can see the directory of custom DA file in the address bar).
  6. Miracle Box will now use the custom DA file in all functions of the MTK tab.
-TECNO Camon CX Air MT6737 Download-Agent
TECNO Camon CX Air MT6737 Download-Agent.bin

Download Link:

  • TECNO Camon CX Air MT6737 Download-Agent
The default password for compressed files is "www.gsmfirmware.net".

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